Part Number: ICA15A
£654.50 (exc VAT) Each
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Jolly Cow Cattle Brush Complete  CB46A

MAXIMUM 50 COWS (Exceeding this number will impede the warranty)

Cow Brushes are designed to improve cow health, comfort, benefit their welfare and reduce stress.

Cows in a natural environment will rub, scratch and scrape themselves against tree bark,
fences and posts in an effort to reach those parts that otherwise they cannot reach.

When they’re housed inside they can’t scratch that itch as easily and as a result stress levels can increase.

This rubbing and scratching has many benefits:

Increase animal hygiene and cleanliness
Removes parasites, old hair and skin scales
Promotes welfare
Increases cow traffic around the building
Stimulates blood circulation around the surface of the body
Reduces stress
Improved milk yield
Reduce sickness (cases of mastitis)
Promote fertility
Improve social behaviour between animals

No. of cows:      
Length of brush:               90cm
Diameter of brush:          40cm
Power of motor:               N/A
Brackets included:           Yes
Surface finish:    Powder Coated
Action:  Swings Only
Height from ground:       80cm
Fitted outside:   Yes

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