Part Number: CGR23C
£93.97 (VAT Exempt) per Bag
Size13kg (1 ACRE)
Duration4 Years
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A 4 year cutting and grazing mixture with very high Aber High Super Grass content.
All intermediate and late heading perennial ryegrasses.
Good disease resistance.
Exceptional D-value first cut silage and aftermath grazing.
Excellent persistency and ground cover.
Available with or without white clover.

AberAvon HSG Perennial Ryegrass 3.0kg
Aston Energy Perennial Ryegrass (t) 3.0kg
AberClyde Perennial Ryegrass (t) 2.0kg
AberStar HSG Perennial Ryegrass 2.0kg
AberWolf HSG Perennial Ryegrass 2.0kg
AberHerald - White CLover 1.0kg

Grasses included within the bag may be subject to changes due to availability but would be substituted with products of similar specification.

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